Background and purpose respects your privacy and therefore only collects data about you in accordance with current Danish legislation.
When you visit (the “website”), data about you is collected for the purpose of adapting and improving our content and increasing the value of the ads shown on the site. If you do not want data to be collected, you should delete your cookies and refrain from any further use of the website.
In this cookie and privacy policy you can read more about the data we collect, the cookies we use to collect it, what we use the collected data for and how we treat personal data.
Website owner
The website is owned and managed by:
Kalsbeek Consult ApS
Markskellet 2, 2. th.
DK-2720 Vanløse
CVR: 40182276
+45 61 28 82 06
Personal data
Personal data is any kind of information that can identify you. When you use our website, we collect and process a range of such data. This takes place, for example, when you access content, if you sign up for our newsletter, participate in competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, use our services in other ways or make purchases via the website.
We typically collect and process the following types of data: A unique ID and technical details of your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location and what sites you click on (interests).
If you explicitly consent and enter the data yourself, we also process: Name, telephone number, email, address and payment details. This typically takes place when setting up a login or making purchases.
We have implemented technical and organisational measures to protect your data from accidental or unlawful deletion, publication, loss, degradation, disclosure to unauthorised third parties, misuse or other processing contrary to the law.
The data is used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that are most likely to be relevant to you, to register your purchases and payments and to deliver the services you have requested, e.g. sending you a newsletter. We also use the data to optimise our services and content.. Herudover anvender vi oplysningerne til at optimere vores services og indhold.
Storage period
We store the data for the period permitted by law and we delete the data when it is no longer needed. The period depends on the nature of the data and the basis for storing it. Thus it is not possible to state a general time frame for deleting data.
Disclosure of data
Data on your use of the website, the ads you are shown and possibly click on, your geographical location, gender, age group etc. is disclosed to third parties if this data is known. The third parties in question are listed in the “Cookies” section above. The data is used to target ads.
In addition we use a number of third parties for storage and processing of data. They process the data on our behalf only and are not allowed to use it for their own purposes.
Videregivelse af personoplysninger som navn og e-mail m.v. vil kun ske, hvis du giver samtykke til det. Vi anvender kun databehandlere i EU eller i lande, der kan give dine oplysninger en tilstrækkelig beskyttelse.
Right of access and complaints
You have the right to know what personal data we process about you. In addition, you can object to the use of the data at any time. You can also withdraw your consent to the processing of data about you. If the data that is processed about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted. Any requests in this connection should be addressed to: If you want to complain about our processing of your personal data, you can also contact the Danish Data Protection Agency. Hvis du vil klage over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger, har du også mulighed for at tage kontakt til Datatilsynet.